Auswahl Steuerzone / Lieferland
Nicht geeignet für Personen unter 14 Jahren. Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile und/oder Flüssigkeit.
ACHTUNG. Diese Ausgabe ist in ENGLISCHER Sprache! WARNING. This issue is only in ENGLISH language. This book shows on 230 pages how to craft and paint various tabletop terrains. Step by step you will discover everything about suitable materials and tools, proven techniques and atmospheric design. In addition to numerous short instructions for simple and complex terrain pieces, you can find extensive building instructions for a variety of themed gaming boards. Here you will also learn how to combine all the ideas and tuto-rials from the book to create your own individual game worlds. For more fun in your tab-letop hobby! - Format: DIN A4, hardcover - Size: 230 pages, full color This book was successfully funded via Kickstarter and written by Michael Martin, the experienced terrain builder from the YouTube channel Tabletop Workshop (TWS).